
Acupuncture is an ancient form of alternative medicine where thin needles are inserted in specific spots on the body to balance the flow of energy. This energy is referred to as “Qi” (Chee). According to TCM (traditional Chinese medicine) theory, disease or pain stems from the stagnation, deficiency or excessive properties within your body. This can lead to physical or emotional pain and illnes... Read More

Acupuncture is an ancient form of alternative medicine where thin needles are inserted in specific spots on the body to balance the flow of energy. This energy is referred to as “Qi” (Chee). According to TCM (traditional Chinese medicine) theory, disease or pain stems from the stagnation, deficiency or excessive properties within your body. This can lead to physical or emotional pain and illness.

Acupuncture can treat a wide range of health concerns including pain, digestive issues, menstrual imbalances, headaches, fatigue, mental health, and fertility.

My goal is to provide a safe space for my patients to experience, learn and understand ways to support their own health. We are living beings and are greatly influenced by our environment. I want to help people recognize that your optimal health is obtained by supporting all aspects including your diet, activity level, mental clarity, and overall lifestyle.

Through personal experience, I have realized the gap between disease and health. Often diagnosis is followed by minimal answers and confusion. By integrating Chinese medical theory with modern day research, I strive to provide my patients with tools to optimize their holistic approach to health.

My goal is to provide a safe space for my patients to experience, learn and understand ways to su... Read More

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